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A flagship enterprise in augmented reality
White Magic Leap Logo

Magic Leap is an American startup company that superimposes 3D computer-generated imagery over real-world objects. By projecting a digital light field into the user’s eye, they achieve an augmented reality experience that is wildly beautiful and useful for both entertainment and practical purposes. When we started working with Magic Leap their product was still in development. This posed an interesting challenge for us: we had to teach the general public about their technology while they were still mastering it themselves! With these obstacles in mind, our initial strategy was to simplify their amazing product to make it more approachable.


It’s clear to say that Magic Leap has entered into a new era of technology. As they started navigating uncharted territory it became clear that they needed a skilled team of marketers and content creators to introduce their product and company to everyday consumers. As with any new technological development, educating the general public of its many uses and benefits is a key challenge. Simply put, people don’t like change. Fortunately, today more than ever, consumers are more receptive to game-changing technologies. Even still, Magic Leap faced a serious hurdle in the race to market: they needed to simplify a seriously complex tool to appeal to the mass market. So, they hired us to create media that would educate the world on their innovations in augmented reality.


The Minds Behind Magic Leap One

New technology is always a tricky subject to present but people always understand tech better if there is a human connection that can be made. To help build such a connection to the Magic Leap One, we created one of the strongest videos in our overall marketing campaign. It begins by introducing the engineers leading the development of Magic Leap One. Hearing their stories and the path that led them to Magic Leap humanized their rather mysterious brand.


Creating this video involved an intensive production schedule involving 14 days of travel to 12 destinations to show Magic Leap’s global presence. We traveled to multiple countries, from San Francisco, New Zealand, and Switzerland, to film interviews with chief engineers who shared their inspirations and aspirations. This unscripted take not only made the brand and product more approachable, but it made Magic Leap’s company culture relatable to people involved in the company and those hearing about it for the first time.

Marketing Magic Leap Lightwear equipment on display with two men in the background

TONANDI and Magic Leap

Magic Leap’s flagship product, the Magic Leap One, was initially designed as an entertainment and gaming tech product. We created several videos that showcased some of the developers and media partners that created applications on the Magic Leap One platform. We interviewed members from, Insomniac, Funomena, and even the critically acclaimed Icelandic post-rock band Sigur Rós, with whom the team at Magic Leap developed Tonandi, an interactive audio-visual exploration of the sounds and spirit of the band.





User Video Guides

Launch day brought with it a large amount of new media to create. To help properly execute the product launch, we created a series of user video guides to teach users how to use and master their Magic Leap One device. We knew this educational series would live for as long as the product was in the market, so we had to make sure everything was perfectly accurate so users would receive the ideal experience.


Our intro series is a step-by-step explanation on how to get the most out of every Magic Leap experience. These videos live on Magic Leap’s website and are delivered with each product that is purchased.


L.E.A.P. Conference

The many videos we filmed for Magic Leap — both the creative and educational — led up to this moment. The world’s most influential techies gathered in L.A. to learn and play with the new Magic Leap One. We photographed the event and used this media to further Magic Leap’s influence in the exciting world of gaming innovation.

View from drone of LEAP Conference billboard on display near road with cars parked and driving by
LEAP Conference Magic Leap and Free Your Mind banners on display on side of a building in city
LEAP Conference billboard on display by a parking lot in city near road with cars parked and driving by at night
LEAP Conference Magic Leap and Free Your Mind banners on display on side of a building
LEAP Conference billboard on display by a parking lot in city near road with cars parked and driving by at night
Man using Lightwear equipment using a remote in a room with paintings on the wall

L.E.A.P. Conference was a colossal event and our team needed to be in many places at one to capture it all. From keynote presentations to tech demos, panels, attendee interactions, and the show floor itself, we navigated the event and successfully documented an accurate picture of this monumental, one-in-a-lifetime event.


Our experience with these kinds of events really showcased itself here. This was no small task and there were no second chances to capture this content as it happened over the course of 2 days. This required a knowledgeable and nimble team that knows how to be in the right place, with the right gear, at all the right times. Needless to say, we absolutely nailed it.

Two people in a futuristic simulator in reddish and bluish lights
Outdoor setting with tables and chairs
Man standing on stage surrounded by audience at a Free Your Mind event
Side profile of man wearing glasses standing on stage at a Free Your Mind event
Side profile of woman with pink body movement sensors doing moves while man views a monitor with characters mimicking her moves in The Imaginarium Studios
Side profile of woman using a console wearing Lightwear equipment in a bluish and reddish lights
Woman with pink body movement sensors smiling in front of The Imaginarium Studios sign
Side profile of man with bushy beard and woman with short hair on stage for Free Your Mind talking to audience
Man with short gray beard on stage at a Free Your Mind event talking to the audience surrounding him with him projected on a screen above him
Closeup of man with short gray beard on stage at a Free Your Mind event talking to the audience
Man and woman on stage at a Feed Your Mind event with big screen above them showing a graphic
Woman with pink body movement sensors smiling and posing doing a salute in front of The Imaginarium Studios signs
Closeup of three men sitting in chairs on stage talking to an audience
Closeup of audience at a Free Your Mind event
Three men sitting in chairs on stage talking to an audience at a Free Your Mind event
Man wearing Lightwear equipment talking to another man in front of a map model
Woman with pink body movement sensors doing moves while man views a monitor with character mimicking her moves in The Imaginarium Studios
View from behind of people wearing Lightwear equipment with laptop and tablet showing building graphics
Woman with pink body movement sensors posing with arms outstretched in front of The Imaginarium Studios sign
Two men and a woman wearing Lightwear equipment and a man with a beard talks with them
Man with grey beard talking to audience gesturing at a Free Your Mind event
Three men sitting in chairs on stage talking to an audience at a Free Your Mind event

Behind the Scenes

San Francisco Bridge
View from behind of two videographers working with a video camera by a lake
Tattooed woman with blue tint hair and wearing a black tank top smiling and posing by the San Francisco Bridge
View from behind of man crouching in the sand by the lake with boats in the distance
Video crew on a hilltop overlooking a valley
Video crew on a hilltop overlooking a valley
Three men and woman crew on a platform with metal railing overlooking a valley
Crew members on a platform with metal railings on a hill
Side profile of woman smiling and posing for the camera with the sun setting in the background
Crew members walking on a path to the platform overlooking the valley
Two crew members working on the platform in the setting sun
Crew members holding video equipment getting on and off a white van with a white trailer attached to the back
Crew members working from the side of the road near a valley
Train Station in Europe with people walking around
Artwork on display in an alley in Europe
Artwork on display on a pier near water
Video crew walking on a brick path near building with green foliage
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